Voice Mail Options
Voice Mail and automation work with live operators to create endless options for your personalized answering service. While your most urgent calls are handled by live operators, your other communications can be diverted to our advanced “Startel” Voice Messaging System, reducing overall cost.

Most common configurations

Auto Answer/Live Operator:
All calls answered within 2 rings, callers will hear a recorded 12-second greeting, then placed on hold for a live operator

Call Screen/Live Operator:
All calls answered within 2 rings, caller will hear a recorded information message that will answer many of their questions such as product information and office hours, then routed to a live operator.

Operator Assisted Voice Mail:
All calls will be answered by a live operator then given the choice of leaving an urgent message with the operator or being forwarded to your private voice mailbox.

Voice Mail/ Operator Revert:
All calls answered within 2 rings by the voice mail system, caller will hear a recorded greeting then be given the option of leaving a recorded message or push “0” to revert to a live operator.

Voice Mail:
All calls are answered within 2 rings, the caller will hear a recorded greeting then can leave a message after the beep. Your voice mailbox can be configured to call you or page you after each recorded message is left or only when the caller marks it as urgent.

Custom Configuration:
Voice mailboxes can be linked to give the caller many options to hear information or leave messages for any of your employees. Call to discuss your specific needs.
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